En cas de mauvaise foi, sa mauvaise manière, mon cheri. Voici une lettre sur le net pour M. Henry Sy, de la liste Forbes renommée. Modèle terrible pour un SM entreprise dynamique.
Lettre Ouverte à M. Henry Sy et héritiers
31 octobre 2013
Monsieur Henry Sy,
Le fonctionnement du conglomérat d'affaires de SM Shoemart , Banco de Oro, la gestion des ports SM et la société de transport par ferry , SM Development Corporation et les sociétés de marketing de biens immobiliers , y compris la nouvelle marque Grande Belle dans l'industrie du jeu et de divertissement sont une vitrine pour une dynamique grandir et d'évoluer modèle d'affaires.This is the original letter from the aggrieved party:
Open Letter to Mr. Henry Sy and heirs
Dear Mr. Henry Sy,
The operation of the business conglomerate of SM Shoemart, Banco de Oro, the SM port management and ferry transport company, SM Development Corporation and real estate marketing companies, including the new Grande Belle brand in the gambling and entertainment industry are a showcase for a dynamically growing and evolving business template.
In the whole of Southeast and other parts of Asia where the SM business brand has operated, the group of companies has met only with success. Such success has carved a niche for Mr. Henry Sy in the upper echelon of the small community of billionaires.
In 1983, the Wei Wan Yan food packaging concept was formed and the Credence paper and other school and office products line brand was born. In the immediate period, the marketing campaign concept for a multi-products line Bonus was accorded copyright ownership by the Philippine Government.
The owner of the brands shall now fully use the Wei wan yan, Credence and Bonus trade names as its own right. It is a well known fact that the SM Shoemart group of companies, particularly its merchandising arm, SM Supermart and SM Hypermarket, along with Save More and other allied marketing-retailing companies are using the Bonus trademark.
What propelled the company of Mr. Henry Sy to use the name Bonus that is rightfully owned by others is not known. However, there is a limit to the use of proprietary items like brand names as defined in both the laws of countries and in the Geneva Convention for the protection of intellectual property. In this, it is fitting that the company of Mr. Henry Sy should therefore stop using the brand Bonus or make amends in the unlawful use of the brand whose copyright belongs to some other party.
The owners of the Bonus brand are prepared to accept a decent and reasonable offer of peaceful and amicable amends from the side of the illegal, unlawful infringers of its intellectual property.
This site can be reached through the email syneticindustries@gmail.com.
The Owners
Bonus brand copyright
The SM people are known to never accept they are wrong, much more to negotiate in any kind of good faith whatsoever. At times, they will pull big guns on you. If you die, sorry. It is hoped they will have a different position in this issue since it will spell bad image and negative public relations all over the world - not only in the Philippines.